

Diocesi di Novara ( sec. V; X; XV )

Il battistero del Duomo di Novara costituisce il più antico edificio della città tuttora esistente ed una delle più antiche architetture paleocristiane del Piemonte.

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Cathédrale Notre-Dame du Bourg

Diocesi di Cuneo ( sec. XII; XIII )

Edificata tra XII e XIII secolo, è una delle chiese romaniche più imponenti della Provenza per dimensioni. Fondata nel cuore della città antica già spopolata nel X secolo, conserva affreschi quattrocenteschi della bottega del Maestro di Lusernetta.

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Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta

Diocesi di Aosta ( sec. IV; XI; XIX )

Founded at the end of the 4th century, Aosta Cathedral was rebuilt seven centuries later. It was further modified by major refurbishments in the 15th–16th and 19th centuries.

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Cathedral of Santa Maria del Bosco

Diocesi di Cuneo ( sec. XVII; XIX )

The church became one of the most important parishes in the town after Mondovì’s elevation to diocese in 1388.Throughout the 17th century it was subject to many interventions and in 1817, with the establishment of the diocese, it became the cathedral.

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Cattedrale Nostra Signora Assunta

Diocesi di Acqui ( sec. XI; XV; XVII )

La cattedrale Nostra Signora Assunta della diocesi di Acqui, fu fondata dal vescovo Primo intorno all’anno Mille. Conserva il prezioso trittico dell'Annunciazione o della Madonna di Monserrat del pittore catalano Bartolomé Bermejo.

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Cathedral of Maria Vergine Assunta

Diocesi di Saluzzo ( sec. XV )

Santa Maria was elevated from a pieve to a collegiate church in 1483, then to cathedral in 1511. It houses the famous polyptych by Hans Clemer, commissioned for the high altar by the Marquises Ludovico II and Margaret of Foix-Candale.

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Cathedral of San Donato

Diocesi di Mondovì ( sec. XVIII )

Commenced in 1743 on the earlier Gothic church of San Francesco, the cathedral is the last work of the architect Gallo. The Suffrage Chapel is a gem of Piedmontese Rococo architecture.

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Pinerolo Cathedral

Diocesi di Pinerolo ( sec. X; XV; XIX )

The cathedral, dedicated to Saint Donatus, Bishop of Arezzo, is mentioned at the end of the 10th century.

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Cathedral of San Giovanni Battista

Diocesi di Torino ( sec. IV; XVII )

The Cathedral Church of San Giovanni Battista belongs to the Diocese of Turin. The building has a white marble Renaissance façade and a Latin cross plan, with a nave and two aisles.

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Cathedral of San Giusto

Diocesi di Susa ( sec. XI )

Cathedral of San Giusto, Diocese of Susa. Founded in 1027, it was a monastery until 1749, when it became a collegiate church, and then a cathedral in 1772. The building is in Romanesque style, with a Latin cross plan.

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Cathedral of San Lorenzo

Diocesi di Alba ( sec. VI; XIX )

The apse area is home to a beautiful wooden choir dated 1512, and the altarpiece with Saint Lawrence, created by painter Claudio Francesco Beaumont in 1766.The cathedral underwent a radical Neogothic restoration in the 19th century.

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Cathedral of San Pietro

Diocesi di Alessandria ( sec. XIII; XIX )

The cathedral of San Pietro, in the diocese of Alessandria, is a 19th-century building that replaced an earlier Romanesque church, dating from the 13th century and demolished by order of Napoleon Bonaparte.

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