
Upper Maira Valley Museum of Sacred Art

Diocesi di Saluzzo ( sec. XVIII )

The Upper Maira Valley Museum of Sacred Art is housed in the Santissima confraternity and dates back to 1998. It is home to Acceglio’s important Cappuccini picture gallery, with a selection of local works that risked being lost.

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chiesa di san Salvatore

Diocesi di Vercelli ( sec. X; XI; XVIII )

Lo storico Mandelli riferisce fosse menzionata nel diploma di Berengario I del 913. Faccio si dice sicuro che al tempo di Berengario I non esistesse ancora San Salvatore de Strata. La parrocchia è citata in un documento dell’11 novembre 1185.

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The golden age of Piedmontese art began with Filippo Juvarra’s move from Rome to Turin.
Superga and the Carmine church in Turin were novelties that shook provincial Piedmont, accustomed to using skilled but traditionalist Lugano artisans. Now everything was drafted and on a grand scale, even for smaller works like the “Pensieri”, drawings by the “great Juvarra” (Piranesi). A school was born.
Benedetto Alfieri continued the classical trends of the Sicilian architect’s work and Bernardo Antonio Vittone founded the Guarini trend, both of which were a huge success in central Europe.
In the province of Cuneo, the solid Francesco Gallo designed many buildings, trying to combine the best aspects of this memorable period, in a new, larger state whose boundaries were finally secure.

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